Peacock Orchid | Illustration

The first painting in 2021!
I have got a theme in mind, which fit in this season, winter. When I remember this flower I took 2019 from my mum's garden, inspired me for the theme collection with other flowers, called it Winter Flowers.

To what I've realised, this flower isn't considered to be a winter flower, they only bloom in late summer and last until autumn. Now, that was before I search it to find the name of this flower, I thought it's called winter lily as this looks like a lily to me and bloomed in cold season as I thought it was. This flower is actually called Peacock Orchid, or Acidanthera in another name.

Perhaps it's the colours that twisted my mind into thinking it's a winter flower. Don't you think? 😜

So I went along and paint this flower, also I include a video of this painting in time-lapse.

It is a very interesting detail of the marks on the petal, a purple-red colour as I worked out the paint mixed to match, with spray-like on the edge of the mark.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!


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