Long-tailed Tit Cherish The Flowers | Moving Image / GIF

Hello you. It's May Day today and Britain is celebrating VE Day! Marking 75th anniversary of the end of WW2.

Also, I feel like celebrating myself that I have finally finished my moving image! Or in another name GIF.
Last time I worked on animation was when I was in university, that's 5 years ago! It's been so long and quite hard to find some time as illustration-animation is time-consuming. When the lockdown happened here, I thought something to get myself focus whilst isolating in my home, is doing illustration as well as an animation! So it's a perfect time to get back on animation again. 

The equipment I used in university, working on my animation project, was utterly different from what I did on this and don't have them anymore, so I improvise. I would really use a proper lightbox to inbetweening as it's easier and less hassle, I had to use a makeshift lightbox with a clear plastic box with a desk lamp inside. Not the best for workspace, very awkward, if only I own the lightbox. Boo.

Done 52 frames, it's a lot than I did in my uni animation from just one bird. And I was constantly worried that all these drawings I did in every frame won't flow, especially the first and last frame to loop together. Once I put together in Photoshop animation tool, very few tweaks to correct it, checked it, it's worked perfectly smooth!

 Looking at this GIF and thought it's a bit bare and I need something more with just a bird, came up with an idea of adding flower. I'm very happy about how it looks!

How nice does this look! This GIF has become my blog background, as I've updated it! Suit really well to my illustration blog and me as an illustrator with my particular illustration work style.

Thanks for reading and admiring my moving image/GIF of Long-tailed Tit and pretty flower!


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