Happy World Bee Day | Illustration
Today is World Bee Day!
I'm seeing some bees buzzing around many flowers on the hottest day of the month! They're working hard to collect the pollens, so they make sweet and delicious honey and thriving all the plants!
I read that my local town left so many weeds and wildflowers on the path and around the public field so that bees and other pollinating insects can do their important job!
For today celebration, I thought I'll illustrate a bee. I found some photos I took of a bee from 3 years ago.
I've picked one that shows the way of a bee pollinating as well as looking cute. Although the original was an upside-down, so I decided to rotate to that way.
Watercolour paint is a better option that I can paint some details that's so fine and gives a nice texture.
I very much enjoyed to watercolour paint this bee and also enjoyed taking some photographs with dried flower props!
Which one is your favourite? I thought the one with pale pink flowers and the shadow looks nice!
Hope you're having a nice day with the hottest weather.
Thanks for reading!

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