Commission? Agency? | Professional Practise

The kind of commissions I want to work are any roles relates to nature, it may be packaging designs for nature theme design, it may be editorial in nature topic articles, it may be window display, and so. Though I would like to work with the nature charities, which are RSPB, National Trust, Wildlife Trust, etc., that I could do with my fabric sculptures, animations and any others I can do.
However I have been commissioned in 2011 and 2012, from my graphic course.  As in course-group, we were commissioned to design logo brand, in 2011, and to design website, in 2012, for Centara, the neighbourhood association in Corby Town. Yet it was not my kind of idea to work. As mentioned why I chose illustration over graphic design.
Even so I did have a look at the agencies, the one I came across for years and simply useful was Illustrationweb. I looked through the illustrators that I was familiar with are Sarah Beeston, Jacqueline Bissett, Oliver Hasselluhn, and many more in there. I believed all of these illustrators took their time to be more professional, then put themselves to Illustrationweb for any businesses/expensive clients to see their most professional work and then chose them.
But, I don’t see myself having agent, so I may not need an agent, though it’s really depend.
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