Hello, and happy weekend!
As I've mentioned from the last blog post,
'Lavender and A Mallard Duck', of what inspired me to paint this artwork. Now here it is, a holiday diary/album, basically, of Norfolk!
Few months before going on holiday, my family and I decided to go on holiday in September, as well as to have a week with her birthday, unintentionally, and better time for work with their numbers of project deadlines. This was a very much needed holiday as my family and I not had a holiday since June 2019, hence, I have been working extra hours and every Saturday at work, so I do definitely need a holiday. And, this was our first holiday with our adopted dog Akira, which makes this holiday special altogether.
We've booked our holiday in Norfolk on the 10th, and we impatiently looking forward to it!
On 10th of September, we've packed our suitcases, shoving in my sister's car and off we went to Norfolk.
This woodland as we drove through to Snettisham, where we've stayed. It looked very mesmerising with the evening sun beaming through the trees.
11th September, we were settling down most of the day, walk a little around the area, playing Scrabble, and then at 4pm, we went to Snettisham beach, only 5 minutes drive from where we stayed.
Here's Akira being nosey.
Akira got interesting by the smell in the car as we arrived to the beach. And she was having fun walking around the beach as we giving her the 10m extended-lead.

12th of September, it's my sister's birthday! Here's a photo of sunrise at 6.48 in the morning, a glorious autumn sunrise.
With her birthday gifts sitting on the window sill, waiting to be open all morning whilst she need her beauty sleep, because she's not a morning person.
After she has her presents open, we went to Norfolk Lavender.

Here's a birthday girl with a lavender cake, that cake was absolutely delicious!
13th of September, we went to the beach again, this time, to Hunstanton beach.
Akira isn't keen on the splish-splash from the sea, so cute.
Got myself a toy windmill, it's so pretty, being a big child here. 😂
We took an evening walk to this field that literally from the doorstep, here's Akira meeting a big 'dog'.
On the 14th of September, we didn't go somewhere as it rained all day, so we had a relaxing day, by watching ITV series of Manhunt and The Cleaner, playing Scrabble.
15th of September, we took a walk in the woodland of Ken Hill, this also from the doorstep.

Only thing that mostly interested Akira was the squirrels in the trees, but she has a very cute focus-faced.
On 16th of September, the last day, we decided to go to the Holme-Next-The-Sea as the weather was so nice, the sun and warmth.

17th of September, all packed and booted in the car, feeling sad that our holiday had come to end. Watching the ducks waddled around the cul-de-sac area, the fact is that we've seen so many Mallard ducks in someone's front gardens in Snettisham village. I've been wondering why there are loads of them in this area. Hmmmmm...

But before we travel back home, we wanted to go to Norfolk Lavender again, for their lavender cake because it's just so divine we wanted to enjoy eating them.
In conclusion, the Lavender and A Mallard Duck illustrated of my exploration in Norfolk, lavender from the Norfolk Lavender and the Mallard ducks in the village. That's what inspired me to paint.
Have a nice day!
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