
Showing posts from October, 2014

Commission? Agency? | Professional Practise

The kind of commissions I want to work are any roles relates to nature, it may be packaging designs for nature theme design, it may be editorial in nature topic articles, it may be window display, and so. Though I would like to work with the nature charities, which are RSPB, National Trust, Wildlife Trust, etc., that I could do with my fabric sculptures, animations and any others I can do. However I have been commissioned in 2011 and 2012, from my graphic course.  As in course-group, we were commissioned to design logo brand, in 2011, and to design website, in 2012, for Centara, the neighbourhood association in Corby Town. Yet it was not my kind of idea to work. As mentioned why I chose illustration over graphic design. Even so I did have a look at the agencies, the one I came across for years and simply useful was Illustrationweb. I looked through the illustrators that I was familiar with are Sarah Beeston, Jacqueline Bissett, Oliver Hasselluhn, and many more in there. I beli...

The Future Of Print And Illustration | Professional Practise

The world of the printed word may be in decline as digital technology expands. However, this is not a total decline and may be an essential, and even complimentary evolution. After all, print has largely replaced illustration as members of societies have become more literate. Books, papers etc are stable and reliable - not prone to the unreliable nature of internet connections. They are tactile (consider also pop-up books for children) can be shared and sold on. On the other hand, digital is immediate, fast and can be manipulated to improve access. Thousands of ebooks on one slim devices. However, they are knowledge, taxable, a tax on print and digital imitate and complement each other - e.g. ā€˜paper whiteā€™ readers. Digital presents endless possibilities for illustrators and both print and digital are evolving and may have different purposes. They back each other up illustrators should embrace both formats. Audio/taped books have not replaced vinyl. They can coexisting harmony so l...

Sketches Of Abbey Park's Bird Sanctuary | Illustration

I went down to Abbey Park in Northampton, visited to the bird sanctuary, so that i can do some observational sketches of birds for my FMP. Good thing it was warm temperature in October, i wouldn't really need a coat and feel cold that my hands will be uncomfortably shaky cold. Parakeets Peacocks     Cockatiels Budgies Lovebirds Zebra Finches

Final Major Project Developments | Illustration

Some swallow flying movement, i sketched it out from youtube in slow motion because itā€™s easy to watch their wings goes in slow way, even swallows swifts around. Then use these to experiment into gif. For the FMP, i decides to use John Clareā€™s beautiful english countryside poems, i have selected 5 of his bird poems and two of his animals or woodland animals poems, and also other poems of more birds, woodland animals and including countryside landscapes from different or random poets. Reason of using poems text that i will illustrates it from text, an imaginary as what i see in my thought whilst read these poems. So the gif will be includes for FMP, one gif from any poems i will select. Swallow gif experiment. Left, HB pencil and right, heavy black filled in. I actually put together from the sketches i did in my sketchbook. I took this short scene from my moving image project from 2nd year. I tweaked a bit by using the colour range, selected it and filled bold colo...

What Is Illustration | Professional Practise

Illustrators are essential to society. Historically and in some modern societies images produced by illustrators inform the illiterate as well as ā€œfire the imaginationā€ (Shaughnessy). Images are powerful tools of communication (Grace Helmer & Charlotte Mei Jones) of ideas as well as recording society and behaviour. In a visual world they inform, entertain, express the imagination and heighten experiences and emotions. Empire State Building poster by Brian James  Being an illustrator not only means communicator and recorder, but also communicator and recorder of self. The rewards can be immense ā€“ being able to represent information as you perceive it ā€“ and get paid for it. A dream job. (Grace Helmer & Charlotte Mei Jones) My thoughts of illustration mean that it is anything from drawings and printing to screenprint, monoprint, etching print, etc. There are many kinds of roles which relate to illustration, for instance, thereā€™s cartoonist, designer, artist, gamer...

The Wisdom Of Crowds | Illustration

Full article of The Wisdom of Crowds is in this link :  TANK Magazine - The Wisdom of Crowds

The Wisdom Of Crowds Development | Illustration

Now i'm in my final year in university, that means the big Final Major Project, Degree Show and graduation. Anyway, this is the first project this year, it's simple two weeks, same thing as last year for 2nd year and final year putting together for this project, of course, it's an editorial, this time it's called The Wisdom of Crowds. I get that thoughts of will this article be a difficult for me to understand, will my illustration looks good, will i get some more concepts from last year? To my surprise, my lecturers came over to me and mentioned that i can do moving image in this editorial project if i want to (to remind you, they know my work and how good my moving images are and they loves it), so i went for it. When i read through the article, yet again, find it difficult to get some illustrate concepts from these words. However i picked some small sentences from simple words such as " being perforated by ā€œblack holesā€ " which i was thinking to use...