April the Abandoned Easter rabbit| Pet Portrait | Illustration

Here's an another pet portrait of my second foster rabbit. I'd like another reminder about having rabbits from Easter time. As I mentioned in this blog post: Rabbits are for life, not just for Easter , that we had one in this situation, a rabbit bought for Easter gift and later abandoned in the street. This is April the Abandoned Easter Rabbit. Back in 2012, Easter Day was on the 8th of April, a couple of weeks after Easter weekend, the kind people spotted her between the outer back garden and the field, comforted her while waiting for the RSPCA inspector. My family were informed about her and we went to collect her. My family and I named her April because she was rescued in April and we also thought it's suited her. She was a mini Rex, she does have a really nice velvety fur coat. She was quite shy but doesn't mind the human company around her, so she was a very sweet girl, and we thought she's a young doe. As we thought she's young, we assumed she must've ...