
Showing posts from September, 2021

What Inspired Me With 'Lavender and A Mallard Duck' | Holiday To NorFolk | Illustration Diary

Hello, and happy weekend! As I've mentioned from the last blog post, 'Lavender and A Mallard Duck' , of what inspired me to paint this artwork. Now here it is, a holiday diary/album, basically, of Norfolk! Few months before going on holiday, my family and I decided to go on holiday in September, as well as to have a week with her birthday, unintentionally, and better time for work with their numbers of project deadlines. This was a very much needed holiday as my family and I not had a holiday since June 2019, hence, I have been working extra hours and every Saturday at work, so I do definitely need a holiday. And, this was our first holiday with our adopted dog Akira, which makes this holiday special altogether. We've booked our holiday in Norfolk on the 10th, and we impatiently looking forward to it! On 10th of September, we've packed our suitcases, shoving in my sister's car and off we went to Norfolk. This woodland as we drove through to Snettisham, where we...

Lavender and A Mallard Duck | Illustration

On Friday, I got home from Norfolk for a very much needed holiday and I felt really relax and enjoyed it very much, it had been 2 years since I went on holiday. Can't believe I'm home after a week of holiday, it felt so quick! While I was in Norfolk and exploring there, I felt so inspired. As soon as I got home, I started to draw and paint! To explain what inspired me will be the next blog after this, as well as a holiday diary. Have a nice day and thanks for taking the time to read this! šŸ˜Š