
Showing posts from June, 2014

Illustration Advertising Research | Illustration

As a fifth research seminar, as a group, was the topic of advertising. We were required to find the any adverts for products, food, beauty, etc., that may be seen on TV, newspaper, magazine and billboard. On these covers, designs and animations that are designed by the illustrators so we were to find the illustrators, and also find who commissioned these illustrators. I considered that this may be a difficult topic to explore. So I researched the adverts from the Internet and watched TV, to spot some adverts. Later, I came up two adverts with illustrators, which were Maly Siri and Yulia Brodskaya. Maly Siri had been chosen by the English fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood. Westwood advertised her three Alice perfumes in womenā€™s magazines, and appeared in London City on billboards and bus posters. Maly is a French illustrator, her drawings and illustrations are pin-up girls, her works beautiful vintage drawings. Maly was commissioned to use her pin-up girl illustrations along with...

Handmade Style - Greeting Card Research | Illustration

On the fourth research seminar as a small group we selected some examples of handmade cards. We thought this genre, handmade, was rather easy to find, however, from finding, we struggled to collect many brand kind of handmade cards. Other than that, I have quite an unusual collection obsession of birthday and Christmas cards, as my memories collection. So then I searched through them hoping to find some handmade and research the brand or shop that may be a handmade business or collection section of handmade. After I found some handmade cards, I tracked down four brands. Another brand that I thought of are creative shop, which includes a majority of handmade cards. The first shop brand, Paperchase. I noticed there are some pop up cards, hand printings, layering and collages, cut out/laser-cut style and 3D tags stick on. I thought Paperchase is a popular shop selling collections of handmade cards. These cards cost very slightly more than affordable card shop companies, certainly i...

Moving Image Project | Illustration

With this project, I did enjoyed doing the gifs and moving images. But it was really long hard, frustrated, stressful work to do, even with 12 weeks project that I tried to done all 4 moving images. But, still, I am really pleased with all of my 4 moving images. So, I am happy how the bird movements and flying works really well, that how I worked out in my head and worked out from the images/photos. All good!

RSPB Raise Awareness Moving Images | Illustration

  Birds need water to drink and bathe during winter. Setting off fireworks near to nesting and roosting birds can cause disturbance and stress. Help the injury birds from the window accident. How songbirds survives with food during winter.