
Showing posts from 2014

Handmade Gift For My Bestest Friend | Illustration

This is a special handmade gift i made for someone important, my best friend of 15 years, even i haven't seen her for nearly a year.  I spent my christmas break making her this handmade gift, I asked her what's her favourite bird, she likes owls, because they're very sassy. I had that concept quite a long time of having acrylic paint on glass, i suddenly thought i could try the double glass photo frame, as there are some double glass frame kind now, and will makes it hugely different in craft community. Now that i have finished this handmade frame, i have took some photos here. It's all wrapped up in Christmas wrap paper, i really hope to see her this Christmas because i really missed her.  Merry Christmas!

Discovered My Ancestor's Creativity

I have discovered that my two ancestors from my motherā€™s side who are my great grandmother and grandfather. My great grandmother sold her handmade owl calendars to Harrods or Selfridges, which I realised I am following her footstep of crafting. My grandfatherā€™s passion and hobby of photography, I have found out that one of my hobbies is nature photography, also following his passion. And finally, my motherā€™s skill of pottery from her school, she used to enjoyed it and made it much better than me.

Fermynwoods Contemporary Arts | Illustration

Fermynwoods Contemporary Arts This is a local exhibition I would to put my works in. Have been mentioned that this exhibition is for nature theme, will have to find out when visit it.

Final Major Project Developments Part 2 | Illustration

Been really busy and stressful from the past few weeks, getting everything right and some ideas for my FMP. So, hereā€™s two photos of my 3D sculpture of fox, itā€™s an experimental work. I use the cotton fabric and paint on it from acrylics, gives some colours and hoping to gives some texture detail, for example, a fur texture. I will be using some birds, fox and hare, which from the poems I selected from John Clareā€™s. Some experiment of what materials are useable for moving image. I did text print experiment for my A2 display work.   Some experiment of the materials to use for moving image. An experimental of animation for FMP. Tried out with the digital, photoshop, just colours and the background, apart from the tree branches, it was drawn by hand and scanned. The trees are alright but the background of sky is off-putting, i would prefer use the wet media for the sky. This is what will be like for FMP, though this is an experimen...

Text, Image, Narrative | Illustration

This is part of Illustration projects 3, for Text, Image, Narrative project. I chose to do the competition from House of Illustration/Folio Society, the task is to create cover for 3 ghost stories, which are The Treasure of Abbot Thomas by M.R. James, A Tale of an Empty House by E.F.Benson and The Upper Berth by F.Marion Crawford. I had some thought that i could do my illustration in such a dark eerie way, massively different as my style is nature, an innocent illustration. Even though in my spare time, i do watch some horror films, with my younger sister, and she had some horror books as well. Which i'll be getting more concepts for this project before sent off in final. These concepts i did when i judged from the titles, before i read through. Some concepts after i read through these three stories. So what i did on here, illustrated the cover for A Tale of an Empty House, that i was testing on the adjustments to these two, pencil sketch (soft) and charc...

Digital Poster Inspiration | Professional Practise

Disney's Digital Posters I found this through the Oh My Disney site. I was so interesting of these digital posters of In The Wood, as an GIF posters. This giving me an ideas along with my skill of gif/animation, something I could do after graduate. This is a big change in 21st century.

Illustration Career Plan | Professional Practise

My list of career ideas/plan after university, this is something freelance illustrators do for the illustration career. ā€¢ natural environment charities ā€¢ craft markets/fairs ā€¢ craft career (??) ā€¢ installations (gallery/exhibition and window display) ā€¢ nature relate galleries/exhibitions ā€¢ e.g, esty - selling handmades and crafts work such as cards, artworks and sculptures. Residencies- local ā€¢ exhibit in buildings ā€¢ charity shops Relevant exhibition- ā€¢ inkygoodness ā€¢ Fermynwoods Contemporary Arts Day job - Local shops (for installation in window display, gifs, sculptures etc)

Photograph GIF | Illustration

Walked down to the footpath field near from my house last Sunday. Was doing some sketches of landscapes and trees. Got dark, need to walk home. Then stopped by the pond, saw the light reflect from the pond, took out my phone using continuous shots each stage of very little wave. I like the look how water wave with the light bends along with the waves. Put all photos together for GIFs.

The Day I Went To London Again | Illustration

Two weeks later from the Halloween's Day, i went to London with the university yesterday, again! We went to British Library as they have the exhibition showing of Terror and Wonder, The Gothic Imagination. This is really as a research for the competition project, three horror stories. It was quite dark exhibition inside but it was interesting, unfortunately photographing was not allowed. With the technique styles and illustrations had inspired me for the concepts of illustration, especially from that illustration on Exhibition Guide bouche.  Metal sculpture tree from outside of the British Library. We then went to The British Museum, not far from the British Library, they hold the exhibition of Witches and Wicked Bodies. Even though i looked through the displays but not took some photos, i got distracted by the Japanese displays and took some. I did that because i need some inspiration of Japanese bird and nature arts, and styles for my FMP. Here are ...