Projects In Second Semester | Illustration
I'm on Easter break, enjoying some relaxing days, yet i have got some project to sort out once i'm back in uni for the assessments.
So here are some projects i have been worked on from all four modules. Even with that one module, i have done the last essay and am finished, yay. Until another two in second year, here come the another two of 2-000 words essay [dreading].
Anyway, here are some projects i've been doodling about, experimenting, and making.
Some drawings from my spare time for Life Drawing session, and also had a personal project, which mean that you do the project of your choice independently, so essentially i chose to work on animal movement.

And here's my personal project.
Some experimentations from Digital Media.

In this module i had three project, firstly i worked on book art.

Then some abstract experiments.

And finally, worked on Fairtrade animation. Digital media module is part of this project as well.

And finally, for the Visual Studies, i experimented with screen-printing and some photo-processing.

Here's a photo of my studio space in university.

And my blue-tac pet on my studio table.

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