
Showing posts from 2011

Inside Object Illustrator | Graphic Design

Here i am as a second year in Graphic Design course, so, this is the first project in second year, we were learning to use the Illustrator (Adobe). It's called Inside Object, which is basically use a device, take it apart, use some pieces reproduce into the digital illustration. So I chose my old Polaroid I-Zone instant camera for my inside project. And using the front, back case and base cover with circuit board, inside base and len. I scanned my objects rather than used a photo because the scanner had light inside so those created the shine reflect on objects. Then I changed the brightness level to make it easier to see like small details and make it clearer. Then I started on illustrator. And here are some pieces i did in digital illustration. For My final design, I chose the advert of my objects. I used the exploded view of my objects to show off my design. I am pleased with my skills on illustrator and my final design. Becaus...

Letterform In Name | Photography | Graphic Design

This project is practically same as i did 0-9 photography last year but this time in my name, again i chose the nature theme. Honestly, why i did pick this theme, it was so hard to find some letters i need, it was in November so it was so cold as well as wet outside that my left hand gone dried. We've told not to have same photo in the name, not to have different theme and you get the point. So this is my name in nature photographs, i actually have five As in my name, it was hard to find some different shapes from this, unfortunately, with the L, i couldn't find another two so i ended up take a photo of the pavement.

Leaflet Design | Graphic Design

This live project, we have to design the leaflet for our local hospital, KGH (Kettering General Hospital), a leaflet full of information of Asthma. So, I started doing development to design the layouts and design the illustrating for the covers of leaflet. I chose to use Indesign rather than using OuarkXPress because I thought Indesign is easy to work on and also I donā€™t have Quark on the desktop I currently use, so I have to use Indesign. This background goes on both side. The front cover image is separate but is linked to the background, and also the field to link with. I used the gradient mesh tool to create the shadows and highlight on their clothes and hair, to make them look quite realistic. First thing I started to design the leaflet is the layout on every page, then added the NHS logo and then write up from the copy leaflet sheet. Then I used illustrator for the background, I planned to use a field with pale blue sky and clouds and at the front of t...

Photomontage | Photography | Graphic Design

This photography project we were taught to experiment the photomontage, stand in the same spot, no move, take a photograph of one part each and combine altogether. Here are some photomontages i've done. It was a long process but it was fun, killing some time while i worked on these.

Handmade PinHole | Photography | Graphic Design

As i'm n second year, i have got photography course to includes into Graphic Design. This is the first photography project. We were told to make pinhole, as DIY. Here are these images of what i have made. You basically make a len by using a tin foil and pinch a hole with a needle, has to be as smallest as you get but get a hole so you can get a photo. Here are some result i had, i only photoshop to revert from the negative, it's actually came out in negative photos. The natural light from outside and any lights are quite difficult to control the exposures. 

What I've Been Doing In Summer | 2011

I've finished my first year of Graphic Design, will be in second year after summer break. Also i will be having FMP (Final Major Project) in second year so i had so many thought of what i should do, even though i'd like to do the dogs things.  So these are some images what i've been drawing during my summer break. Saw this in my local town.     I had to stop drawing in mid August, as my two guinea pigs died unexpectedly, in a week apart. I was grieving for few weeks, i'm a little ok and i'm going back to college in few days. These are my piggie boys, Russell and Dexter. Had them since they were 8 weeks old, passed away at the age of 3 years old. These two are the cheekiest boys, always made my family laughed, they made some noise to us like they're talking. Sweet boys.