A 'Kind Of' Commission for the Receptionist at Work | Illustration

Hey, there! It's January! Did you had a wonderful christmas and New Year? I love christmas and missed it for quite a while, I enjoyed it very much with my family, lovely presents and glorious christmas food! Anyway! I did the favour, feel like an design commission, kind of, for the receptionist at work. She would like an bedroom door sign for her young daughter as a personalised children's door sign. The design she wanted is a teddy bear on the side, with her daughter's name, she also showed me the size she wanted, that I measure it in 200mmx140mm. Before I started to design, I did some sketches the concepts. Some body positions of the bear, such as standing, sitting, arm waving, and handlettering styles. Then I started to use the Illustrator, I used Adobe Illustrator CC at work, to illustrate a teddy bear, in my spare time before going home. This had taken me few days, as 5 hours in my spare time. Here's a finished digital illustration. The digital illust...