T-Shirt and Swing Tag Development Designs | Graphic Design
This is, what my lecturers calls them, the live project, meaning of this is because this involves with clients, real clients, outside of the college, things you do in these kind of jobs. This is my first project that clients will come over to view our designs, but my second live project, i have done the project for client before, even though didn't came over in person. It was Art Learning East Midlands, speaking of which. So this clients is Kill or Cure, as in clothing company kind, they wanted to launch a new range of T-shirts as well as tags and new logos, and designs to appeal to teenagers aged 13 – 15 and an older market 16 – 25. All designs are targeted to these audiences. Before i starting to designs, i have to do the questionnaire to hand out to my course-mates. Later i collected all of the questionnaire and analysed it, the results I found are that they prefer to only spend £15 – £20 on a t-shirt. Most of them preferred green or blue t-shirts and m...