A Wood Pigeon Cosied Up with the Autumn Leaves | Illustration

Seeing the orange leaves made me wearing all of my cosy jumpers, as well as it's really cold outside! As I was warming myself up by the radiator, 2 weeks ago on Saturday, from my bedroom window I saw a pigeon perched on the Birch tree, watching me. Seeing the surrounding I was inspired, so I took out my phone to get some pictures for visual reference. This is what I see from my window: Took four photos whilst this pigeon watching me, still fluffed its' feather for warmth. And then I started to draw! As I writing this, it's snowing here, right now! Now I'm in a mood for hot chocolate for extra cosy. Hope you have your cosiness by wrapping yourself up with a hot drink as you're reading this! Thanks for reading and have a nice evening!