
Showing posts from October, 2020

Dead Tree | Happy Halloween | Illustration

Happy Halloween! Today I'm in a spooky mood so I did a drawing this morning.  I call this 'Dead Tree'. I saw the tree from the field when I was walking with my foster dog a while ago, I looked at it and thought, "This looks good for Halloween", then I was inspired to have this tree for my Halloween illustration/drawing. This drawing is mixed media, I used colour pencils, watercolour paint and a fine-line pen. I like how all these branches curved in, toward the trunk. Also, I like the numerous twigs on branches as it looks more details. This tree looks like it has been dead for many years. Being on the hillslope that has rabbit burrows, definitely not the best place to grow, even it was planted by the warehouse developer, I think, along with all these small trees as you can see behind the dead tree, and it has been the same for many years, not grown any bigger as they thought these supposedly trees would've been. Anyway, to end this post, here's my foster d...

Pumpkin Hunt | Illustration

It's October, we're close to Halloween.  This year's Halloween will definitely be different, however, I have seen the idea of having a pumpkin painting up on the window or a genuine pumpkin, that the children can find the pumpkin and received one sweet from every pumpkin they've found. Plus this game can go longer instead of just Halloween Day! I had my Halloween painting that I painted last year upon my window still over the weekend, in time for half-term in this week! Although there are very few children in my residential, I'm giving the Halloweeny fun for them, hunting the pumpkin, even if no-one planning a pumpkin hunt here. I'm hoping they'll be having a fun Halloween this year!