
Showing posts from May, 2018

Spring Bank Holiday | Illustration

It's another bank holiday Monday this month, today it's Spring bank holiday. The weather today is slightly warm but cloudy, barely any sunshine. Even yesterday was scorching and Saturday was nice, although were expected to be thurderstorm in the day time for whole weekend but it didn't, can't really predict the weather. Anyway, today I did some waterpaint on Pansies, one of my absolute favourite flowers. I have so many of them in the garden, I took some pictures in sunshine to admire them, that's when I got inspired to do illustration on my spare time. These are the photos I took in beautiful weather. I waterpainted each of these pansies from the photos on here. So here are the pansies watercolour illustrations, when the sun was finally out! I actually really enjoyed doing them, and am thrilled by how they're looks, i'm impressive with myself and my waterpaint skill.  Have a love...

May Day | Illustration

It's May Day bank holiday in the U.K, with this splendid weather, still! I've spend May Day being outside, inspired to draw the bird again. This bird I have drawn was male Dartford Warbler, that have such an astonish colours combination. Firstly, I sketched the bird in pencil, if I'm happy how it's looks, then used the pen for outline details, here's the result. To this. The close-up GIF. Again, I enjoy it very much drawing it outside in this weather. Hope you have a lovely May Day!

Drawing The Cirl Bunting In The Sun | Illustration

Hello all. Yesterday, the weather in the U.K was blissful, the temperature had reached to 23Ā°c with just sunshine all day. Looking at the weather I thought, I could go outside and do some bird drawing, so I did also with lot of suncream slap on me. I illustrated female Cirl Bunting with her wings as she fly, here's the speed drawing animation. And here's the outcome of my Cirl Bunting illustration. I have really enjoyed drawing in this weather yesterday, yet, today is even warmer and I'll be having a veggie BBQ later. Have a lovely Sunday in this splendid weather! šŸ˜€