My Great Grandmother's Handmade Owls Calendar

I remembered this blog Discovered My Ancestors' Creativity , that I wrote when I was in Final year in university. The one that mentioned with the handmade owls calendar that my great grandmother made, I remembered my lecturer asked if I have the photograph of it. I told her I found it in Summer 2014 when my family and I packed my grandma's stuff for her to move into care home, then I couldn't find it many months later, for the blog. Well, guess what, I found it! It was in a small box full of old photos of my family (on my mum's side), as well as really old photos of my ancestors (also on my mum's side) back in the late 1800s. So there, this is what it's look like that my great grandmother made in 1969, a 1970 handmade owls calendar. Have a lovely day.