What I've Been Doing In Summer | Illustration
After finished my first year in university and 3 months summer break before going back to university. Here are some drawings i have done in my spare time. Drew it by mouse and not quite pleased with it. Going to try on graphic tablet soon. Drawn on photoshop CS3. Done by graphic tablet and have to say it is better. The whole face outline was done in hand-drawing and scanned it. So iām pleased with this! Painted last year (acrylics), inspired by A udrey K awasaki . On brown/beige cardboard. I'm not sure what i think of this. Original hand draw. Colour blocks.ā Hand drawn of fine line pen, colours in photoshopā Photoshop filter tools experiment. Outline- biro pen ā- Outline- Fine line pen (0.3) I think she looks like Nicki Minajā¦.. Outline- biro pen Filter experiment on photoshop. (Hair, eyebrows, eyes and lip). Practice drawing by using graphic tablet with my original hand-...