
Showing posts from 2013

GIF | Illustration

Just experiment to clashed a woman and plant in moving image.

Moving Image Poem | Illustration

First try of GIFs animation for my uni project. This one was an experiment to see how it work.  - Crossing The Water - by Sylvia Plath - Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people. Where do the black trees go that drink here? Their shadows must cover Canada. A little light is flittering from the water flowers. Their leaves do not wish us to hurry: They are round and flat and full of dark advice. Cold worlds shake from the oar. The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes. A shay is lifting a valedictory, pale hand; Star open among the lilies. Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens? This is the silence of astounded souls. My lecturer really likes the flashing tree, as how i did the leaf fall very realistic way.

Poem Representational Development | Illustration

This is a week project, got to complete it quick, it was about to use the poem from words into illustration, i have to do the abstract and moving image. Once the lecturer set out the poems, us students look through and read, thinking which is reliable. My first thought of hope is nature-related poem, luckily i found one, Crossing The Water by Sylvia Plath. This is the poem: Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people. Where do the black trees go that drink here? Their shadows must cover Canada. A little light is filtering from the water flowers. Their leaves do not wish us to hurry: They are round and flat and full of dark advice. Cold worlds shake from the oar. The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes. A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand; Stars open among the lilies. Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens? This is the silence of astounded souls. So firstly, i experiment the abstract. With the black watery looks represent as black lake...

Remarkable Animated Stereograph | Inspiration

隅ē”°å…¬åœ’ Mar 28, 2013. SumidaPark, Tokyo. Aug 28, 2013, Oshiage, Tokyo. camera : nimslo 3D / film : Kodak SUPERGOLD 400 / scanner : Epson GT-F730 Fountain Aug 28, 2013, Oshiage, Tokyo. camera : nimslo 3D / film : Kodak SUPERGOLD 400 / scanner : Epson GT-F730 Nov 21, 2013. SumidaPark, Tokyo. camera : ImageTech 3Dfx / film : FUJICOLOR C200 / scanner : Epson GT-F730 Oshinari Park. Nov 3, 2013.  camera : Kalimar 3D / film : Kodak ProFoto XL100 / scanner : Epson GT-F730 I loves looking at this amazing photography GIF, especially these particular photos. Honestly, it's relax me when i look at it for longer. All of these work are in: 

In Each Other's Shadow | Illustration

Now that i'm in second year in this university, feel like i'm half-way through to graduate. So this is the editorial project, we were put in group with the 3rd year, as we are looking at how 3rd year do with the illustrations, i'll be in 3rd year next year, just getting some ideas.  We were given to read the editorial article called In Each Other's Shadow, i find it difficult to understand what was really going on and working out to make illustrate. So far, i sketched some ideas, mostly to combine a person and nature. I actually did three attempts to makes it consummate, the 3rd illustration works better. 1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt I can't see myself doing the editorial illustration as a job in the future, unless if there are any editorial/articles have the nature-related really. Full article of In Each Other's Shadow :

What I've Been Doing In Summer | Illustration

After finished my first year in university and 3 months summer break before going back to university. Here are some drawings i have done in my spare time. Drew it by mouse and not quite pleased with it. Going to try on graphic tablet soon. Drawn on photoshop CS3. Done by graphic tablet and have to say it is better. The whole face outline was done in hand-drawing and scanned it. So iā€™m pleased with this! Painted last year (acrylics), inspired by  A udrey  K awasaki . On brown/beige cardboard. I'm not sure what i think of this. Original hand draw. Colour blocks.ā€” Hand drawn of fine line pen, colours in photoshopā€” Photoshop filter tools experiment. Outline-  biro pen ā€”- Outline-  Fine line pen (0.3) I think she looks like Nicki Minajā€¦.. Outline-  biro pen Filter experiment on photoshop. (Hair, eyebrows, eyes and lip). Practice drawing by using graphic tablet with my original hand-...