
Showing posts from July, 2012

Final Major Project | Graphic Design

I've done it! With few mistakes and frustrated, but i've done it! Here's what i've made. By the way, my dog, Max, is a cross-breed, he's half labrador and half German Shepard or Alsatian. My beautiful boy.

Stop Motion Animation | Graphic Design

I've finished my animation! I thought it was alright of what i've made, it was a hard, tiring work. Here's my animation. I have been told that my animation needed to add more, such as using the Tresham logo sign at the end and slowing down on sign. So i've  changed animation, I have added some and itā€™s longer than my first tried. Overall, I am pleased with my animation skills on this project.

Documentary | Photography | Graphic Design

This project we were doing the documentary photography, you just documenting on something or someone's life, for a week. I chose to documenting on my dog, Max, about his "retirement" (he didn't have a job or what, he's a family dog for his whole life). Photographing on his daily routine, basically he sleep, eat, walk, play, as well as his beautiful face. And after a week of photographs, we have to make a video, as you would see it on tv, but in photos. So i'm going to throw every photos i've taken, here are many photograph of my old boy. Enjoy! ...