
Showing posts from June, 2012

Animation Experiment | Graphic Design

I remember i did the stop motion animation when i was in a school trip, in Kingswood, an year 7 school trip (it was 3 days, i was a bit homesick). Now i wonder what it's really like working on much harder kind of animation. So I did some researched firstly, on Animators, animation history and animation devices. Also I did experiment on storyboards, I tried with the Marmite advert with Paddington Bear. The animation on Paddington Bear I explored that itā€™s a stop frame animation, Paddington Bear is made like a teddy bear but smaller for animation sets, and the rest of background, characters (people), etc. are made of paper card. The background I saw that made perspective when I saw some layers of paper cards. Next thing I did to explored the animation devices such as zoetrope, phenakistoscope and flipbook. Also I explored on the storyboard and practicing with Paddington Bear Marmite advert. Then I started with my own storyboard idea for Live project anim...