My First Project In Graphic Design | College

I'm in first year of BTEC Second Diploma in Graphic Design (and second year being in college), i was so nervous moving to new course, which means new people and some projects. My first project in this course is Persona, it's basically about myself, with self-portrait illustrations, sketches, collage, sculpture and doodles. Here are my self-portraits down below - Julian Opie inspired. The outcome of this project is that i have to design a book cover, a Persona of me, with 'epilogue'. My finished design is the first image at the top, i may have added the drop shadow far too much on vertical 'Persona'. I do have massively passions on flowers and the colour blackcurrent (or plum, whichever the colour that basically looks the same). When my lecture open my design up on whiteboard screen and called my name, i was so nervous to talk about my work, even i was just sitting on the chair and talk, this was my first ever talk presentation in ar...